Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Homeschool 101- crash course

This is by no means a HOW TO blog, because this is my first time homeschooling a child. 

This is definately a blog explaining what I did, how it worked, and how I did it. 


We started homeschool for preschool for Autumn yesterday. I spent most of August getting ready for it, so if you're a full time working momma like myself, you are going to need time to prep for it, because in order to make it organized and easy, you're going to have to put time into it.

I based my curriculum from here but did have to modify it to add some letters that were missing, and to remove the christian aspects and input holiday's that would fit the time frame of the schooling. Out of all the different curriculum's I found, this one was the most detailed. 

I noticed all the curriculum's were teaching the alphabets out of order and I didn't understand why. I did some research and found that it was so that it really reinforces the letter as an individual letter rather than the child memorizing it only because of the order the alphabet is in. Makes sense.

Moving on. 

I also have made a list of items that you may want to get in order to make activities fun/crafty:

A printer (or access to one)
A crate ($3 at Wal-Mart)
35 folders for crate
Adult scissors
Kid scissors
Construction paper
Reward chart
Alphabet flash cards
Number flash cards
Color flash cards
Alphabet work book
Number work book
Color work book
Small white board
Scrabble Tiles
Dry erase markers
Glue sticks
Color pencils
Zip loc bags
Clothes Pins
Containers for organizing things
Educational and fun books (I got all of ours from the thrift store)
Craft items (feathers, googly eyes, pom poms, etc.)

Most of these items I was able to purchase at dollar tree. I did find a really awesome work book that I used the pages from at Wal Mart for less than $5.We are starting August 31st, 2015 so my version lined up with holidays. I also added field trips. Knowing us, we will probably add some in, but I didn’t want to plan too much and not conquer it all. 

Pinterest really was my best friend, and extra work pages, crafts, or learning aides were found on various websites. I have a pinterest board called Learning/Homeschool that has all of them reposted, if you'd like to go through them. 

What I did was I took 35 folders, one for work that wasn't finished and needs to be finished at a later time; one for anything we feel needs extra work, and 33 for all 33 weeks of learning. I wrote the week on each of the 33 folders and glued a description that I had printed and cut out on each folder. This is helpful for me because I'm not the only one teaching her. I work all day, so many days her dad will be doing the activities with her. I also found a lesson plan, which is basically a blank calendar, at Target in the "One Spot" and was able to write more details with a day to day explanation of what activities/worksheets to review. I put all of these folders in the crate, along with the flash cards, construction paper, and other work book pages I didn't use in the folders, and put the crate in the hallway closet to keep away from toddler hands. I found a book shelf at a yard sale for $4!! I was super excited about this. I then took all the "art" supplies and put it in one container and took all the "craft" and "learning" (scrabble tiles, clothes pins, etc.) in another. This was just to keep everything organized!

I'll keep you updated, and post periodically if I find a good idea or page. I will continue to post more updates on my Facebook

Any questions? Comment here, or hunt me down on Facebook.

Suggestions! LET ME KNOW! I'm new to all of this!

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